Campbell ministries
to encouage your faith..
the holy bible/the father/the son/
the holy spirit...
we are radio and website to
all countries in the world..
shortwave radio/
go to campbell ministries
streaming sermons weekly.
first/do you know GOD loves you
and has a plan for your life?
YEARS AGO/to die on the cross
for all our sins/....
one thing you have to do is to believe/faith/
say this prayer/
father I am sorry I did not believe your son died ON the cross for all my sins/I want him in my heart right now I receive/believe..amen/
now/you are a child of God that simple/thats how much he loves you/AND HOW SIMPLE it is....
here is some scriptures out of the bible to start you in the holy bible..
john 3:16-for God so loved the world he sent his son Jesus to all who believe by faith/will not perish but have everlasting life.
romans 10:9-10 if you confess with your mouth lord Jesus believe in your heart God has raised him you will be saved/heart to righteousness mouth to confession to salvation.
romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing the word of God the holy bible.
matthew 7:7 ask seek knock..
mark 9:24 I believe help my unbelief.
romans 12:2 renew your mind in the bible.
acts 3:19 REPENT and refreshing presence of God.
james 1:6 ask faith no doubt.
john 14:6-only way to the father is thru the son Jesus Christ.
to walk in integrity your life matches your beliefs/when you live according to Gods principles you can live at peace.
only by accepting the free gift of eternal life through Christ foregiveness of sins/accept the GIFT OF GOD THRU HIS SON JESUS CHRIST WHO DIED ON THAT CROSS FOR YOUR SINS FOREVER/romans 6:23.
will add scriptures weekly to encourage faith..
GOD BLESS AND JESUS IS LORD.. sundays or streaming..
prayer text /[352]610-0622
note/we do not accept donations/this ministry is family to encourage you in the Holy Bible!
campbell ministries dr. gail campbell/pastor.
brother john/worship.